Club Description: Joining FCCLA provides you with the opportunity to gain leadership experience and to make new friends within your chapter, and with other chapters at District, State and National Conferences. It also prepares you for possible careers you are interested in, gives you scholarship opportunities, public-speaking skills, time management skills and a goal seeking personality. These are just a few of many benefits that will last you a lifetime if you join FCCLA.

Requirements:  Any Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior who has taken or is currently enrolled in FACS classes such as Family and Consumer Science, Culinary Arts, Early Childhood, & Interior Design that are offered at John A. Ferguson. Must have a 2.5 GPA to participate in any competition. Students enrolled in the FACS curriculum  learn about their general well-being, but also learn about economics and consumer products. These classes are great because they apply to our everyday lives, plus they are a lot of FUN!

Club Sponsor:   Ms. Toledo

Location: Room 610

Contact Info:  fcclafalcons@gmail.com    Instagram @fergusonfccla

Club Website: http://fergusonfccla.weebly.com/member-information.html